Romance . Horror . Science Fiction . Fantasy . Drama
The Strength To Cry
Just who was this Emily? She killed that woman! Killed her!
Zinc Oxide
The health of the corals rose suddenly in my esteem.
An Alternate Reality
Maybe aliens would come through. Or a supersoldier from humanity's future. Or felbeasts from a dark planet. Hmm. I called Sheru to heel. He was only a puppy but he barked loudly and that might help.
An Apple A Day
Nature's best snack, she said it was. Kept the doctor away.
Draupadi’s Choice
Shooting an arrow through a fish’s eye to win my favour?
Your son will give Shahran a future.
Rules To Live By
Employee Guide - Rule 3 - Always be perky.
A limb extended, stretching the membrane tentatively.
Old Friends
The gardens would open soon and he would let her in like he did every day.
Oh that toothless smile! Those tiny fists! She loved him so.