Rules To Live By

“Here you go, sir, caramel popcorn! Would you like a drink with that?” Mindy’s ponytail bounced as she spoke.

Employee Guide - Rule 3 - Always be perky.

But the man was gone, a thanks flung back with some cash as he hurried into Hall 5. Explosions awaited. 

Wilting a little, she grumbled to the mass of pimples standing next to her. "Retail gets no respect. Like, how about thanking me politely, sir?" Spitting the final word with venom, she flounced off to mop the floor.

Employee Guide - Rule 8 - Always fill your time with fruitful activity.

Pimples did not deign to reply. Mindy had been emphatic about Rule 1 the previous day and he was done with her.

Employee Guide - Rule 1 - Never put your butter on company popcorn.


The Problem With Diapers

