Monstrous Love

The key turned. She was home! How to get to the bedroom without being seen now? 

Okay, through the TV room, out the kitchen window, up the wall. 

Her voice came down the hallway. Nasal and high-pitched - not a romance novel heroine’s voice, but he loved it anyway.  “I always feel like someone’s been in here when I get back, Anil.” 

She'd invited Anil over. 

He shimmied round the kitchen counters, trying not to make a sound. Hopefully no kids would look at the wall while he climbed. 

Her voice continued. “I've checked with the owner - it’s not her.”

Despite her parents’ best efforts, he’d lived with her since she was two. Anil was just a johnny-come-lately. 

Made it to the bedroom. 

To be fair, though, she didn’t even know he existed now. A relic of her childhood - that's what he was. Stupid unrequited love eh? Giving the blankets a disgusted look, he faded back into the shadows under the bed.


Draupadi’s Choice

